Friday, July 3, 2009

I Found A New Mail Box

This new mail client based on Thunderbird that is currently in its Beta stages.

All week I have been using PostBox and love it. It has so many great features that you never knew you wanted, yet don’t know how you lived without once you have them.

From their site:

A new kind of messaging application, the Postbox™ email client helps you spend less time managing email and more time using email to get things done. Postbox automatically analyzes your e-mail messages, documents, photos, and links to web pages; then it catalogs all this information making it faster to search for and retrieve.

Easy-to-use tagging features let you organize messages the way you want and then focus on one project at a time without missing out on important new messages. You can also view messages by conversation, edit messages, and create to-do items that appear in mailbox windows.

Definitely check it out!!! Click my new MailBox

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