Sunday, January 3, 2010

Google Tablet: Google and HTC’s Next Project vs iSlate?

It appears Apple  is not the only company who is mauling their tablet for the people, there’s a rumor that Google and HTC – the tandem that will bring forth the Nexus Strike this Jan, is about to unleash their own tablet as well. The name is not yet disclosed, but whatever it’ll be called (G-tablet, Schmidt’s Pad etc – oups can’t help to give that premonition) alot of speculations are starting to develop with this purported tablet.
google tablet
iSlate carryout two freshly baked patents that was said to surprise the users; Google Tablet on the other hand will have all the sauce of Chrome OS, Qualcomm processors and a dash of a new software from Adobe. (Mmm, what could that be? Am i sensing a new Air Product?)
According to Smarthouse “HTC, who have been working closely with Google for the past 18 months have several working models of a touch tablet including one model, is based on the new Google Chrome Operating System say sources.”
google tablet 2While everything is still on a stream of uncertainty, there’s a lot of criticism with this rumored release. One is, will BIG G became the Big Jerk for its neighboring companies? – Remember Mototola Droid With just a short span of three months, the nexus one phone will reach its debut and it's ZOMG features is far better than that droid phone with the keyboard. Without a doubt this release  will kill the competition with the moto-droid not to mention the ‘pissed-off’ buyers who happens to be stucked on a 2 year contract with Veriz only to find out that there’s a better phone – Nexus One.
So much for the happy ending, indeed.

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